
Year in Business


Software Developers


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Hire Mern Developers from Suretalent
  • React JS Development

    We use React JS for developing highly scalable user interfaces. Our developers are adept at using this JavaScript library to create interactive UIs.

  • MongoDB Development

    We use MongoDB for developing high-performance backends and ensuring optimum data management.

  • Express JS Development

    A robust backend can be developed using Express JS development. Express JS is a crucial part of our MERN stack development services.

  • Node JS Development

    Our professionals can use Node JS to develop web app solutions that are light and fast.

  • MERN Stack E-Commerce

    We have a team of dedicated developers who can use the MERN stack to develop high-quality eCommerce solutions. From creating the frontend to the backend, our developers can do it all.

  • Migration

    Our team of MERN Stack developers has comprehensive expertise in migrating the existing software products into MERN stack frameworks.

  • Web Services & API Development

    We have hands-on experience in developing APIs and web apps with the latest features for all industrial domains.

  • ERP Development

    Our MERN stack development services can help you manage and automate back-office functions with scalable and effective ERP.

  • Maintenance Support

    Software applications are prone to after-deployment bugs. We offer maintenance support to provide enhanced productivity.

Top Developers are Handpicked by Suretalent
Mern Developers Skill Set
When you hire PHP Developer specialist at Suretalentyou will get hold of professionals, specialize in working with state of the art technologies and tools which will ensure your venture the desired efficiency and scalability of your final product.
  • ExpressJS
  • NestJS
  • Fastify
  • Flux
  • MobX
  • Couchbase
  • SailsJS
  • node cron
  • PM2
  • Passport
  • Nodemailer
  • Lodash
  • Winston
  • Redux
  • persist
  • Axios/ Fetch
  • React-router
  • React Hooks
  • moment
  • redux-saga
  • MaterialUI
  • ReactStrap
  • Validation Library
  • PostgresSQL
  • MySQL
  • RedisMongoDB
  • FireBase
Tools & Utilities
  • WSGI
  • Celery
  • SOAP
  • Redis
  • Fabric
  • Whoosh
  • Highcharts JS
  • South
  • JSON
  • GIT
  • NPM
  • Gulp
  • JSON
  • Mocha
  • REST
  • NextJS
  • Express.js
  • Nest.js
  • Meteor.js
  • Socket.io
  • Koa.js
  • Adonis js
  • Feathers
  • ItemAPI
  • KeystoneJS
  • EKraken
  • LoopBack
Version Control
  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • Gitlab
Communication Tools
  • Slack
  • Microsoft Team
  • Hangout
  • Skype
  • BaseCamp
  • Google Meet
  • Zoom
  • GoToMeeting
  • Skype
Project Management Tools
  • Jira
  • Trello
  • BaseCamp
  • Asana
Object - Relational Mapping
  • Typeform
  • Mongoose
  • Sequelize
Javascript Framework
  • ReactJS
  • Angular
  • Vue JS
  • Node JS
Web Technologies
  • PHP
  • CodeIgniter
  • Laravel
  • MERN
  • MEAN
  • LAMP
  • YII
  • WordPress
  • Magento
  • WOO
  • Shopify
  • PrestaShop
  • Zend
  • Codeigniter
  • Symfony
  • Material Design
  • CakePHP
  • Bootstrap
  • CSS3
  • AWS
  • Digital
  • Ocean
  • Heroku
  • Firebase
Looking to Hire Dedicated Mern Developers?
Suretalent has the highly qualified and expert team of designers & developers you need to start planning and executing your project today.
Hire Mern Developers from Suretalent
  • Talk to One of Our Industry Experts

    An expert on our team will work with you to understand your goals, technical needs, and teamย dynamics.

  • Work With Hand-Selected Talent

    Within days, we'll introduce you to the right talent for your project. Average time to match is under 24ย hours.

  • The Right Fit, Guaranteed

    Work with your new team member on a trial basis (pay only if satisfied), ensuring you hire the right people for theย job.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Why is Suretalent the best choice for hiring MERN Stack experts?

    Suretalent is trusted by hundreds of startups and tech companies around the world, and weโ€™ve matched thousands of skilled developers with both freelance and full-time jobs. Every MERN Stack developer in our network goes through a vetting process to verify their communication abilities, remote work readiness, and technical skills (both for depth in MERN Stack and breadth across the greater domain).

  • How much does it cost to hire a MERN Stack developer?

    In general, when hiring freelance MERN Stack developers through Suretalent, they typically charge between $60-100+/hour (USD). To get a better understanding of contract costs, check out our freelance developer rate explorer. Things are different with permanent (full-time) software developers, who have annual salary expectations you'll get up front and can negotiate. The salary for a MERN Stack developer can vary greatly, depending on their years of experience, related technical skills, education, country of residence, and other factors. Check out our remote developer salary explorer for more.

  • How do you write a MERN Stack developer job description?

    You can learn how to write a job description for software developers over on our blog, where we also have more specific guides, as well.

  • What kinds of MERN Stack programmers are available for hire through Suretalent?

    All kinds! At Suretalent, you can hire on a freelance, full-time, part-time, or contract-to-hire basis. We have a global network of skilled software engineers, meaning you can find a MERN Stack developer in a time zone that meets your needs. Our developers are all mid-level and senior-level professionals who work remotely, so they are ready to start coding straight away.

  • How does Suretalent vet a developerโ€™s MERN Stack skills?

    For freelance MERN Stack developers, we first conduct a manual profile review, scouring their online profiles to make sure they have a solid technical background, work experience, and other elements. We then ask them to send a video self-introduction to assess their English, communication skills, and other soft skills important to effectively working remotely. Next, we hold either a technical interview or peer programming session to assess their hard skills, followed by a final candidate review. If everything goes well, weโ€™ll have an onboarding call to welcome them onto the Suretalent platform. For Suretalentโ€™s permanent MERN Stack developers, the process begins with a manual profile review and a quick chat or video self-introduction to assess their communication skills and eligibility to be featured to companies.

What Clients Are Saying About Us
Weโ€™ve served more than 2500 clients globally in the last 18 years and retained 97% of them.