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Hire PHP Developers from Suretalent
  • PHP Web Development

    Hire PHP web developers for custom web application development in PHP frameworks and open source platforms.

  • Custom Module Development

    Hire PHP programmers for custom module development to build interactive product/ application quickly.

  • PHP-based CMS Development

    Hire CMS website developers specializing in both PHP and ASP.Net based content management platforms.

  • PHP Extension Development

    Hire PHP Extension developers for robust performance of websites and applications, as well as improved functionality.

  • PHP Site Maintenance

    Hire dedicated PHP developers for support & maintenance services to secure your website and ensure high-end performance of application.

  • Custom CRM, ERP & Portal Development

    Dedicated PHP engineers to build CRM, ERP and portal development using PHP to meet the rapidly changing business needs of clients.

Top Developers are Handpicked by Suretalent
PHP Developers Skill Set
When you hire PHP Developer specialist at Suretalentyou will get hold of professionals, specialize in working with state of the art technologies and tools which will ensure your venture the desired efficiency and scalability of your final product.
Looking to Hire Dedicated PHP Developers?
Suretalent has the highly qualified and expert team of designers & developers you need to start planning and executing your project today.
Hire PHP Developers from Suretalent
  • Talk to One of Our Industry Experts

    An expert on our team will work with you to understand your goals, technical needs, and teamΒ dynamics.

  • Work With Hand-Selected Talent

    Within days, we'll introduce you to the right talent for your project. Average time to match is under 24Β hours.

  • The Right Fit, Guaranteed

    Work with your new team member on a trial basis (pay only if satisfied), ensuring you hire the right people for theΒ job.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What are the steps to hire a PHP Developer/team?

    We follow a very simple process. Initial steps involve gathering all information about the project and mapping your requirements. Once all the project details are in place, we identify top PHP developers and line up interviews. Based on your confirmation, we will set up everything and connect you with your dedicated developer.

  • Can I hire a PHP developer for hourly or project-based tasks?

    Yes. If you know the task to be done from the developer, then you can hire a developer on an hourly or project/task basis.

  • How much does it cost to hire a PHP Developer?

    The cost to hire a PHP Developer is determined by several factors such as type of website, the magnitude of the website and complexity of the design, number of web pages, features, and more.

  • Why hire dedicated PHP developers?

    You should hire dedicated PHP developers to optimize the web development process and at the same time enjoy benefits like flexibility, cost-effectiveness, increased productivity, special skill sets, as well as quicker response to emergencies, etc.

  • Will the developer work dedicated only to me?

    Yes - The developer you hire, will work full-time (8 hours a day, 5 days a week) just like all other regular employees.

  • What can our PHP developers do for you?

    Our PHP app developers can assist you with-

    • Personalized Consultation
    • Cross Platform Applications
    • PHP Enterprise Apps
    • Platform Migration
    • Support & Maintenance
    • Custom PHP Development
    • Cloud Computing Solutions
What Clients Are Saying About Us
We’ve served more than 2500 clients globally in the last 18 years and retained 97% of them.